Friday, August 1, 2008


Well Carol went in for surgery around 11:45. A little earlier than expected but, just as well. She was kept pretty sedated this morning. So much so that after the surgery when I was talking to her, she still thought it was the morning.

The surgery went great. In two hours they were able to graft all area with allograft, revise her left arm a bit, and suture some of the wounds to try and get some closure. When she cam out of surgery she was very sedated, felt cold, and a little shaky as expected. But she is doing well. They expect her pain level to go down abit, since the wounds are covered somewhat now. Again, the surgeons expressed how good the wounds looked, and how well she was taken care of over at Swedish.

The plan moving forward is as follows. She will not have any wound changed until monday, which is great, in that alot of her pain comes from those dressing changes. Next Friday, she will go down to the OR again, and if everything goes to plan, get a new type of grafting meant to bulk up her dermal layer of skin by a centimeter or so with a material called Integra. This as I said is to add some thickness of skin, as most the areas, when healed will be left pretty deep divets (not sure on the spelling there). That will be allowed to heal for 14 days. If everything looks good there, then her own skin graft will follow, those will be allowed to heal for at least 14 days, and if all goes well, rehab, etc. may start to begin. Somewhere in there her right hand will have to have surgery. The physical therapy on it hasn't allowed her to extend her fingers all the way as hoped. I don't think I have written about this yet. Her fingers were kind of in a fist for the first couple weeks, which has tightened the tendons. She can only straighten one finger, if the others are bent down. So some sort of tendon relieving surgery. The want to get this going, since everyone recognizes that use of this hand is neccessary. She is sleeping well. I have Chloe, and mom has Safiya.




Amy Storch said...

yeah!!! I'm happy to hear that Carol is progressing so well. It's so nice to check in and consistently get positive news :)

I'm so glad that Carol has such a wonderful husband caring for her.
Have a great weekend!


Stephanie said...

I am so happy to hear that her surgery went well and that they have a plan to get her on the road to rehab and healing. Happy, too, that the docs & nurses at Harborview are pleased with the care that she got at Swedish. That is very reassuring.

Scott, is it easier to send cards to your home or the hospital? If the hospital, what is the address? Some of her friends at MGH are asking...let me know.

Hope she has a day of rest today.

Stephanie & family

Ally Van Leuvan said...

The Harborview team has such a great plan of action! Kudos to Swedish for doing such a great job with an injury they don't see a lot of.

We are so relieved that Carol is in good hands and she is making good progress. She is so loved!

Scott, enjoy your weekend with the girls! You are doing an amazing job loving, and supporting Carol through this.

Love and prayers, as always,

Ally & Pete

marie said...

Thanks Scott! That is such great news. I'm glad she is getting better everyday. Way to go Carol!! :) Thanks for the updates. Will continue to pray and send postitive thoughts your way.
